Team Composition is Key!

Team Composition Matters.

Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.  Team Composition Matters.  Fred and Ginger.  Mulder and Scully.  Bert and Ernie.  Abbott and Costello.  Michael and Scottie.  Joe to Jerry.  Steve to Jerry.  Payton to Marvin in ten seasons—953 catches—more than 12,000 yards.

And there are others too, like Orville and Wilbur.  In fact, Bishop Wright, their father says, “neither could have done it alone.”  These are just a few of the iconic duos that we need only their first names to acknowledge the combined outcome–the ultimate legacy.  An iconic duo isn’t just a coming together of individuals…. these are partners that together were greater than the sum of the parts.   

Building teams like these takes time.  Teams become stronger as a unit as time passes.  Most problems with teams are not that they get stale, but rather that they don’t have a chance to settle in. 

Newness is a liability for a team. 

And that is precisely what organizations are dealing with post, or sort of post COVID-19.  There are many new faces that have only been seen on tiles.  There is not enough history because they just haven’t worked together, collaborated, sat across the table from each other, supported each other through tough times, and looked each other directly in the eye.
We are here as your Team Dynamics coaches to help you assess your team compositions
right away before you get a runaway.  The Kolbe A™ Index is essential to creating high performing teams.  It is the tool we need now because it describes how we all will work with each other, talk to each other, and get things done.  It is reliable and predictable to show how people will act, react, and interact. 

It tells us the verbs about people.  It focuses in on the action.   

Communication is essential, but never more essential than with newer teams.  Armed with greater knowledge of how to communicate more effectively with each other, teams will accelerate how they talk to each other and how they will work with each other.  The power will be in the ability to know each other, who to count on, and what to expect from their collective talents.  They will understand their team DNA and can recognize early on what essential talents might be missing to achieve optimal results.  Missing talents create constraints.  Constraints by definition are restrictions that will cost teams valuable time and resources.  Significant constraints occur when the person and the position aren’t aligned; and when there isn’t a varying distribution of the right talents within the team.   

Every team is perfectly designed to achieve the results that it gets.  Make sure you know what your newly formed teams are designed to achieve.