In an interview with Gwen Auwerda, Executive Director of Tulip Time Festival, she shared the benefits of working with PSG.
The Tulip Time team is all of six staff and two contractors. Yet through their combined efforts, this top festival in the world attracts over 500,000 visitors each year as their mission statement proclaims to welcome the world into our community by celebrating tulips, Dutch heritage and Holland today.

“We have one shot to do well.
One shot over an entire year.”
Gwen Auwerda, Tulip Time’s executive director, believes that combining Kolbe and Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS, a fast-growing set of business management practices) together gives her that one shot in leading, guiding and equipping her team to make a mark on every person that chooses to come and experience the six million tulips, and all the activities and events that showcase Holland and its Dutch heritage.
During the upcoming 2024 Festival (May 4-12), the town will be adorned with individual creative sculptures made from bicycle parts to depict the theme for the 95th celebration: Bikes & Blooms!

EOS & Kolbe Together
EOS is a simple framework for defining what’s important, who owns it, and exactly what success looks like. With every member of a team accountable for a handful of goals and numbers, organizational leaders consistently get better results. Kolbe and EOS are different tools, but together they can pack a wallop for any team. Gwen is committed to both, as together they bring greater clarity into how to achieve their goals with less stress, more teamwork, and fulfilling work for each team member.
“Over the years we have had team members that did not fit their role. We went through intense periods of kibbitzing—gnawing little arguments, finger pointing and not getting along. Those all created stress for each person, for the team and for me. Kolbe is really how people work. The Kolbe System™ gives us self-awareness of each team member so we can Identify, Discuss and Solve,” said Gwen.

It’s a different but necessary insight that every leader and every team member should desire. With Kolbe as the guide for understanding just how people actually work, team members can objectively lean on others who have the necessary skill sets to lead and produce results.
Gwen expanded, “This does not reflect poorly on any one team member but gives each person permission to ask for help. We know how each of us works, and exactly what we need to do together to get that work done. For instance, one team member needs only the bottom line, so communication when working together has lightened up. Two team members have combined their talents to create a process to significantly increase the number of people who sign up for our Dutch Dance shows. Our team has stayed intact and that is because they are passionate, but also see growth opportunities within their area of responsibility.”
Gwen’s advice to all leaders, “You need to do Kolbe because it works. It feels right. It feels me.”
This was enthusiastically confirmed by a team member, Ben DeVries, “I have not worked for a boss EVER, who has as much fun as you. And we get so much done!”
Why PSG’s expertise with Kolbe works for Tulip Time:
- The words are different. No other system gets to the heart of how people work
- Each person learns about themselves and others on the team
- It gives specific language necessary to encourage people to move forward
- The awareness changes “how” people work, and that minimizes stress and conflict
What are the needs your team has and how can we help you?
PSG has been guiding and equipping leaders and their teams to implement the Kolbe System™ for 33 years. Mari Martin, one of the longest running Kolbe experts in the world, is ready to help you understand, channel, and harness your team’s positive striving energy for your advantage.
One of our Core Values is: Make Every Team You are on Better. We want you and your team to experience the team spirit, productivity gains and communication shortcuts that the Tulip Time Festival team lives each and every day.
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