
We engaged PSG to work with us in assessing the capabilities of both current and potential Applications Services Transformation Program Managers (TPMS).
TPMs manage a complex, end-to-end, 12-18 month transformation process for all new Applications Services business. In the process of reviewing Transformation Program success, it was apparent that some TPMs were well-suited for the role and others struggled. The TPMs who struggled put the success of the Transformation at risk. We needed a mechanism to help us determine the best fit for the role so that we could identify the right person from the beginning.
We used the Kolbe A™, Kolbe B™ and Kolbe C™ Indexes to develop the profile of a high-performing TPM and then assessed current and potential TPMs against that profile to determine best fit and probability of success. Basically, we tried to “stack the deck” in terms of identifying the right people with the right striving instincts to ensure project team success.
The ability to determine the right fit between an individual and a role directly impacts the bottom line. If the fit is wrong and the individual is replaced by someone else, there are associated costs: relocation of the first individual and relocation of the replacement, lost time, lost effort, and the erosion of goodwill with the client. The greater cost may be to the individual involved in terms of career progression, professional credibility, and self-confidence.
The PSG team gave one-on-one developmental feedback to each TPM, and the Transformation leaders provided developmental feedback as well. Several TPMs have moved into other roles as a result of going through the Kolbe process with PSG. Transformation leaders are now more confident and have been more successful in selection and placement of individuals into new Transformations.
Connie Remenschneider
Hewlett Packard
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