At the core of who we are is what we do and what we like to do. Or as Gretchen Rubin, author of The Happiness Project says, “you can choose what you do, you cannot choose what you like to do. I don’t like having to try to make myself like things. I want to spend more time on the things I already like.”
When we spend time on the things we already like, we are happier. When we’re truly happy, we’re more productive, creative, and more successful. We also experience less stress, less depression, and less mental illness.
When it comes to understanding your type, it’s good to have a greater understanding of your striving instincts or what type of energy you have. The only valid and reliable tool to measure these instincts is the Kolbe A™ Index, developed by Kathy Kolbe and copyrighted in 1987. This Index can be completed online in about fifteen to twenty minutes.