This is the terminology we hear, and that many are experiencing. Employees are leaving their positions now in greater numbers than prior to the pandemic. An alarming statistic shows that out of one thousand people interviewed 31% of those resigned from a job after being at the company less than six months. Ouch.

Thinking of the cost of that makes my head spin. Several leading HR organizations indicate that it costs approximately $4000 to hire a new employee. Times that by 310 from the above example and you are at $1.24 million. And that is on the low estimation as other statistics site that hiring can cost up to 30% of the first year’s wages. With a role that earns $50,000 a year, that would make those 310 people alone cost $4.65 million. A young woman I met recently did just that—resigned after only two months in the role. I asked her why. She said, “it wasn’t a good fit.”
Being a good fit encompasses far more than one’s innate strengths fitting the job. But that definitely is a good start. So many employers don’t even take the time to assess the strengths of the candidate to the actual expectations for performance. One thing we hear over and over is, “I want meaningful and fulfilling work that provides real growth and development.”
So, what does a good fit encompass? I would like to offer these Five Criteria in hopes that it is a good start, along with a question you could ask in the interview:
Not only does Aretha want respect. We all do. Respect is at the top of the list of what employees desire, along with outward appreciation for work well done. What is respect? It is a due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights or traditions of others. At the heart of respect is caring. When we think about great teachers or managers it most often comes down to: she cared about me as a person. It translates to being heard and seen. Respect is caring enough to consider how your words and actions will impact others. It is pretty basic really—we need to treat others kindly, and on especially trying days—with compassion and mercy. What does respect mean to you?
Having a purpose is the sole meaning behind living. People will stay in a job if every day that role in any way can fulfill their life’s purpose. Finding that purpose can be difficult if you have never identified one, or your body is so numb to your work requirements that you haven’t gotten still enough to get mindful about what really is your purpose. I was blessed to find my purpose many years ago: Opening lines of communication in a broken and hurting world. Ten simple words that have changed my life and kept me doing what I do for over thirty-one years through many ups and downs. Forbes offers these four questions to ask to get at your purpose:
- What makes you come alive?
- What are your innate strengths?
- Where do you add the greatest value?
- How will you measure your life?
What gives you purpose, and how would this role align with it?
Fit To Your Job

We have been working with clients for 31 years assessing the role and then comparing those expectations to prospective candidates. Robert Half & Associates says, “poor decisions happen because leaders don’t create clear performance expectations and then don’t match an individual’s skills to the requirements of the role.” When you pay attention and set up a process to address just those two things, you will dramatically improve your hiring process. But it goes beyond just the fit with the job. It also must include the fit and chemistry with the leader, the team, and the culture. Describe how you see yourself using your strengths every day in this role.
Great Managers
Great managers maximize the potential of every team member. Max dePree’s words have become famous over the years, “the key elements in the art of working together are how to deal with change, how to deal with conflict, and how to reach our potential…the needs of the team are best met when we meet the needs of individual persons.” If you want to become a better leader or manager, pick up a few books by Max dePree. Here’s what you will read, “the signs of outstanding leadership appear primarily among the followers. Are the followers reaching their potential? Are they learning? Serving? Do they achieve the required results? Do they change with grace? Manage conflict?”
Great managers are always looking to meet the needs of the individuals they lead by removing the obstacles that prevent them from becoming fully alive, using their innate strengths, adding the greatest value, and understanding how they will measure their life. Tell me about the best manager you ever had and what he/she did for you.
Staying Connected

Many people thrive off of human connection. It has been proven that we need to spend time on non-work activities with coworkers to strengthen working relationships. The current data shows that about 25% of the normal work week should be allocated to social time and relationship building. However, our work at home and working remotely environment oftentimes don’t allow for that. Great managers keep their teams connected.
Start meetings on a positive personal note and make it a tradition and a practice. Encourage communication often for quick updates, for questions, for schedule switches, for clarity on projects. And don’t always use e-mail. Pick up the phone. A phone call helps you get your point across with a caring tone that helps to avoid misunderstandings. Make sure you celebrate milestones—accomplishments, pictures of children, more pictures of children, weddings, reunions, babies, pets….yes, lots of pets! What activities or approaches would you appreciate to stay connected and strengthen working relationships with your team members?
We wish each of you a Blessed Christmas and Happy Holidays with friends and family. Thank you for allowing us to serve you in this year. We stand ready to help you with these concepts and more as you build great teams; work together to solve problems and create solutions; and find and keep your most valuable team members. Our core service offerings include:
- Identifying innate strengths
- Optimizing how team members work together
- Improving team communication
- Matching the right candidates to the requirements of the role
- Helping leaders and managers manage the talents on their teams
- Providing for personal growth and development