We are here with you and want to offer words of encouragement. Three words come to mind: resolute, unwavering and resilient. Those who master resilience accept what comes at them with flexibility, rather than rigidity. We will get through this. It will be different, and we will be different.
Start with Yourself. There is one quality that edges out all others, and that is being more self-aware. The self-aware are good at listening to the subtle clues their body and mood are sending. As Socrates said, “my friend…care for your psyche…know thyself, for once we know ourselves, we may learn how to care for ourselves.” You cannot serve from an empty vessel. Get the right proportions of sleep, nutrition and exercise each day.
Use your Strengths to Solve This. Each one of you understands your natural striving instincts through the Kolbe A™ Index. This insight is a powerful advantage in the face of adversity. If your strength is to Stabilize, then look for ways to find and mitigate risk right now. If your strength is to Innovate, then your sense of urgency will serve you well.
Be Resolute. This is a firm, faithful, unwavering adherence to a person or a promise. Stand firm for your family, for your faith tribe, for your enterprise and for your community. Recognize the priorities you must keep in order, and in which order they come for you.
Enlist the Right Team. Put the right people together to solve your unique challenges. Gather a diversity of strengths around your virtual dining room table. Ask, “who is around my table for team success right now?” Your efforts will bear fruit and your solutions will multiply. In Isaiah we read, “the wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and yearling together; and the little child will lead them.” The most resilient among us know how to reach out and ask for help.
Make Every Team You are on Better. Show up bringing the full complement of your talents and energy to solve the problem. Be open to altering the course when obstacles surface. Suspend your need to get the credit—share credit generously with others.
Practice Remembering. You are strong. You have handled a crisis in the past. Replicate some of those practices. Pull out your game plan from those times. Expect Miracles. Read Psalms 77:11-14. “I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago…You are a God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples.” This will take a miracle.
Elvis Presley once said, “truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain’t going away.” What a beautiful thought—the sun will come out tomorrow! Whenever you are ready, know that we are here to serve you. We are open for business. We have full capabilities to do individual and small group conferencing through our GoToMeeting platform. Thank you for your loyalty to us.